Monday, November 18, 2013

Richmond Half Marathon... Maybe the worst idea ever?!?

This past weekend I was in Richmond, VA. I had originally signed up for the half marathon and then a few weeks ago decided to drop to the 8k because I hadn't been training. On our drive up, Meredith told me I should just walk the half marathon and get the medal/blanket because I had paid for it. We went to the race expo and found tons of great give aways and got a free massage!

Her logic seemed reasonable and thankfully on race day morning I met a runnerpeeps wife Sherry who was walking the course. And, I was thrilled to be able to walk with someone.

The morning of the race, it was pouring out. I don't ever run/walk in rain because who would like to do that? No one. So, thankfully because every one else seemed to be convinced that this is a good idea we decided to go forth with the activity in rain for 3 hours. Once we got to the starting line, Meredith and her running friends peeled off to go to their starting gate... since they were going to run/intervals through out the race.

Sherry and I went to where the walkers were and started on our journey. The two miles we were able to see the marathoners begin their long journey to 26.2 miles. It was nice to see all of the people alongside us. The crowd was pretty sparse because of the rain but still very cheerful.

Mile 6 and 7 were the worst part of the course for me because there wasn't a lot to see and it was very hilly.

At mile 10, I had soaking wet feet due to the rain and was forming blisters all over my toes and feet. So, uncomfortable. I decided to run a little bit to see if that would help the pain on my feet. It didn't at all but at least I felt like I was getting there faster than before.

At mile 11, I hit the imaginable "wall." I wanted to stop and just sit down. At that time, my mom had sent me a text wishing me good luck. Most of my friends and family thought I was doing the 8k since it was such an on the whim decision. That helped me push through and knowing I could at least do 11/13 made me move forward.

I finished in 3 hours 40 minutes which is pretty good considering I walked more than 10 miles of it and I hadn't been training for it. Now that I have done this, I will never do a half marathon again without training. It was certainly not the best idea I have had ever and I was wobbling around all day yesterday which was not fun at all.

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