Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Goals


Happy New Year’s 2014! 

I am not a big fan of New Years resolutions... maybe because I never really stick with them and the first week of flossing or eating in drives me crazy by the second week so I set year long goals. Small things that are a slight challenge but achievable.

My goals for the year 2014 are:

1.) Read 50 books
2.) Run 500 miles
3.) Lose 50 lbs. (goal weight)
4.) Run 5 half marathons (get my triple crown medal!)
5.) Finish my National Boards (survive: 5 entries) 

Common theme of 5 this year... too bad that it is not the year 2015. Maybe next year! I am looking forward to what this year has to offer and accomplishing all of my goals. Wishing you all a very bright start to the New Year!

Do you set resolutions, goals or something else for the start of the year? Have they been successful for you?

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